Another Week, Another Application

Last time we spoke, I had begun the process of learning how to use Adobe Illustrator. Since then, I have become more familiar with the application and I have learned to really enjoy it. For the past couple weeks, we have had a project to do. The project is to create an infographic for some information that can be found in the OU Fact Books. From the OU Fact Books, I have decided to create an infographic comparing the Gaylord College of Journalism & Mass Communications to the University of Oklahoma in general.

At the beginning of my process, I had no idea where I was going to take this project. After many hours of work, research and trial and error, I think I have gotten to a good place in this project. Below was my original idea that I had for the outline of my project.

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After starting on this outline using the Illustrator application, I realized it was difficult for me to present these four different panels in an effective way (yes I realize I spelled “panel” wrong on my outline). I also was not able to find all the information I wanted to present in my infographic. The specific information I was not able to find was the Gaylord College return rates.

Trying to fit all these panels into my final infographic was not going to work. I received help and tips on how to many it more presentable and more legible to the public’s eyes. Below is the infographic I have created so far. This is not my final project but I am pleased with the results my work has gotten me so far.

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As always, check back in a couple weeks to see the final product of this project and to get more information on my next adventures.


The Final Stretch


COVID-19 and Adobe