Staying Healthy

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The importance of staying healthy today is more important than ever. With COVID-19 circling around like nothing we have seen before in our life time, it is important to keep your body active and healthy.


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It’s as simple as it sounds. Walk. Keeping your body moving is very important so you don’t get in a routine of waking up, sitting and then going back to sleep. In my daily routine, I try to get at least one walk in every day. I have a normal route around my neighborhood that takes me about 45 minutes to walk. I am not saying that 45 minutes is the daily goal for you. Start with a short walk up and down your street then build up and go further every day. This is a website that shows the importance of walking daily and how it can benefit your overall health.

In-House Exercises.

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There are many things you can do in your house to get exercise. For example, when I need to clear my head but don’t have enough time for my normal walk, simply going up and down the stairs is a great way to get exercise. And of course, there are YouTube workouts. This is a workout that I really enjoy doing. It is short and simple but you still feel it working your body in ways you can’t feel by walking. There are many ways to work out while never leaving the comfort of your own home. Sit-ups and push-ups are a classic but get old very fast. Find new, creative ways to exercise during this stay-at-home time.

Out-of-House Exercises.

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These exercises happen on the days I am feeling extra stressed and need to get school, work and family life off my mind. Instead of just walking for 45 minutes, I have a different routine that I use for this work out. I start off by taking the same trail around my neighborhood except I am jogging this time. Every 10 minutes I will stop and do some form of stationary exercise. This consists of calf raises, squats, crunches and push-ups. I know this may sound like a lot but it gets the stress of everything out of your mind and it causes you to focus on only your body for however long you choose.


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This is no elephant in the room, Coronavirus is real and it is scary. I encourage you all to stay home unless it is absolutely necessary that you leave. If you or anybody around you is feeling ill, I encourage you to check out the COVID-19 website to learn more. If you are feeling okay, let’s keep it that way. Start by washing your hands very frequently, wear gloves when leaving the house and wear a face mask if possible to minimize your chances of becoming sick.




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