A New Journey for All.

Everybody around the globe is being impacted by the Coronavirus outbreak. Today I am here to tell you how it has impacted me personally and my first week back on campus.

I am a junior PR major and I just recently switched from advertising. Unlike the other two syllabus weeks I’ve witnessed as a college student, this years was not laid back at all for me. In this post, I am going to inform you of how COVID-19 and switching majors impacted my first week on campus.

First, there’s the COVID-19 outbreak. Although the University of Oklahoma was very fortunate to be able to open its’ campus to the students, the class rooms and campus environment look very different from when we left in march. In order to be on campus, you must be wearing a mask. Some classes even require eye coverings just for the purpose of not spreading the virus. Below is a picture of me wearing both a mask, and protective eyewear in one of my classes.


The COVID-19 outbreak has also impacted life off-campus. Being in my junior year of college, I am living off campus. This means that I have to go to the grocery store and work in order to maintain a living off campus. Going to the grocery store is a risk itself of retracting the virus, but it is a necessity. Recently I have started using the Target Drive Up services in order to get packaged groceries. The drive up service does not work well when you are picking up fresh produce and meats. For me, I like to personally see and pick out the fruits, vegetables, and meats I will be consuming.Which comes with more risk of potentially touching something a person with Coronavirus has touched.

So many aspects go into the COVID-19 pandemic that we cannot keep track of. All you can do is protect yourself and others.

Wear a mask.

Stay 6 feet apart.

Don’t leave your house unless necessary.

Next I am going to talk about how switching my major going into my junior year of college has impacted my educational track and the first week of school in general.

I switched my major going into finals week of my sophomore year. Going from an advertising major to a PR major may seem like a big change, but it has not been as difficult as planned. With that being said, there have been some challenges along the way. A big challenge for me was deciding if it was worth it to switch my major halfway through college. I am proud to say yes, it was worth it. Thankfully I switched majors within my school at OU and so all the advertising classes I previously took will go towards my Gaylord elective course for my PR major. A challenge of switching major is starting from 0 when it comes to courses that need to be taken. Of course I cherish the advertising classes I have taken and the skills I learned from them, but I am also anxious for what is coming with my new major.

My new adventure.

After the first week of school, my nerves have calmed when it comes to the change of my major, but my nerves are only getting worse when it comes to COVID-19. I am currently enrolled in three PR classes and I have loved every single one of them. After only two classes of PR Publications, I can already tell that I am going to thrive in this class. Everything may not be perfect at first but this class is going to help me get as close as I can to perfection.

Something I have enjoyed learning about and hope to gain skills on is the concept of photoshop. The example below astonished me because the most simple edits changed the whole meaning of the picture. The first picture shown below is the original, and the second one is after a little photoshop was added to the image.

Original image.

Original image.

Image with photoshop.

Image with photoshop.

With all this being said, I am very excited to start a new chapter of life in working towards a career in Public Relations. Visit the blog regularly to be updated on how my path is going and images of the work I create.


New Skills Benefit All


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